Two years ago I wrote a blog which i called "My Birthday Wish"
Today I thought I would write a follow up to that blog and update some of my thoughts and wishes. Tomorrow I turn 65 years old, a milestone for me in many ways. Many things have occurred professionally, personally and globally since my first birthday wish blog.
American government, FIX it. Come on, it has been broken for years. Can’t we come up with 2 presidential candidates we can all be proud of and not have to always vote for the best of two really bad choices?
The American government is more broken now than it ever has been needI say more?
In addition to WORLD peace, I want inner peace. Have not had it for years. My soul left when my son Eric was diagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenic when he was 19 and then died in his sleep over 6 years ago.
I feel like I am finding my soul again. However the loss of my son Eric looms constantly on my mind.
I want to feel like I made a real contribution to the world even in my own small way. What kind of legacy will I really leave?
My contributions to society seem basically irrelevant at this time. Maybe some day in the distant future my work and value will be remembered and realized
I want my photography to be so unique, interesting and beautiful that I will be unable to keep up with the work.
I now believe my work is unique, interesting and beautiful. I am very proud of what i do yet the demand for my skills and talents do not seem to match up to my own personal belief.
I want my photography to be valued by more than a passing “like” or a single comment on social networks.
This remains unchanged from my perspective. One of the greatest joys I get from photography is when my clients tell me that one of the photos I took of them is their favorite of all time, or when they say that was the funnest photo session I have ever done. Many of my clients/models shoot with photographers on a weekly basis or more. This has great value to me!
I want to feel young again. I am stiff, sore and inflexible created by a lifetime of sports and orthopedic surgeries. I won the battle of multiple club championships in golf and tennis but lost the war of flexibility. While I am wishing, how about single vision instead of double vision created by my health incident a few months back?
I feel healthier than I have been for years. This is a result of my almost daily exercise regimen of bicycle riding, swimming, tennis and going to the gym. I am now more conscious than ever what I put in my mouth
I want to hear one person whisper to another…… “hey, isn’t that Thomas Schmuki, the world famous photographer?”
I heard one person say this a few months back. A fellow photographer saw me in a shoot in Hollywood and said something very similar. It made my heart and soul song with joy.
Two months from now I want to look back and say, “MAN I SHOULD HAVE RETIRED YEARS AGO, now I can do what I really love 24/7 – Photography”
The jury is still out on this. Perhaps I retired to early. One thing for sure I have dedicate my life to my photography 24/7. I love what I do.
How about a real friend?
Someone recently told me a real friend invites you over for dinner and social events. Hummm. I guess I still need to work on that one. Nearly 5,000 facebook friends and no dinner invites lol.
My birthday prayer: May GOD reach out to all HIS children on the earth, young and old, male and female, from all countries and walks of life and help THEM and their families get through these unprecedented times.